
Flatten Your Business Learning Curve – Get Back to Basics with Tourism Business Builders

The Tourism HR Canada team is proud to announce the launch of its Tourism Business Builders online program, developed specifically for tourism and hospitality entrepreneurs. This much-anticipated update moves the renowned program to a fully online offering, allowing for 24/7 access on the organization’s emerit.ca learning platform and the flexibility to quickly add content as

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Business Builders: Restarting Tourism with Confidence

Tourism HR Canada has long led the way in offering innovative, industry-vetted training and small business resources for Canada’s tourism operators, workers, and students. As our hard-hit industry sees a glimmer of hope for reopening, access to skills development will be vital to welcoming back visitors with world-class customer service and unique experiences. Coming next

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Chef at work

Ready for Recovery: Tourism’s Workforce Acquires Skills for Safe Reopening

As part of Tourism HR Canada’s desire to support the recovery and resiliency of the tourism workforce throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we made our entire catalogue of Emerit online training free of charge. The goal: to ensure tourism’s dedicated professionals were ready to act as soon as it was possible to begin reopening. The online

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Tourism HR Canada and Centennial College Partner to Deliver Tuition-Free Online Training

Toronto, May 13, 2020 — Centennial College hospitality and tourism students are invited to take advantage of tuition-free online training during the COVID-19 pandemic to equip themselves with nationally recognized certificates, thanks to Tourism HR Canada, which cultivates a world-leading tourism workforce. “The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruption to both education and tourism across

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Supporting a Resilient Workforce: FREE Emerit Online Training Offer Expanded

Since late March, Tourism HR Canada has been working closely with our partners to offer opportunities for ongoing professional development, cross-training, and job preparation by making a select number of Emerit online modules available for free to everyone. Response to this offer has been incredibly positive; thousands of modules have been activated and online learning

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Preparing Tourism Employers for the Shift from Business Survival to Recovery

COVID-19 has caused an abrupt and deep shock to society and the global economy. The tourism sector is profoundly impacted, with significant disruption to businesses, trade channels, and DMOs. Tourism Economics (a division of Oxford Economics) suggests a global return to 2019 tourism levels by 2023—but only under certain conditions. As the national HR organization

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Supporting Entrepreneurial Success: Enhancing Emerit’s Business Builders Program

As part of several pan-Canadian projects focused on providing Canada’s tourism sector with a continuum of market readiness programming, Tourism HR Canada will be working with Twenty31 and Alphabet Creative to update and enhance its Business Builders series. Designed for small business owners, Business Builders is part of Tourism HR Canada’s range of training resources

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Skills Gain Logo

TIANB’s Skills Gain Program Delivers Flexible Training Based on Industry Consultations

Tourism HR Canada congratulates the Tourism Industry Association of New Brunswick (TIANB) on the launch of its new program aimed at creating more qualified tourism professionals: Skills Gain. The team at TIANB worked closely with staff from Tourism HR Canada to add a new online option to its existing Skills Gain workshops. The online format

TIANB’s Skills Gain Program Delivers Flexible Training Based on Industry Consultations Read More »

People meeting over coffee

Intelligence – Development – Leadership: Share Your Expertise

Tourism HR Canada is extremely fortunate to have secured three multi-year funded projects that will allow us to continue our global leadership in labour market intelligence, competency development and training, and innovative initiatives to broaden and diversify the potential labour market for tourism. These projects, funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Immigration,

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