Building a Resilient & Vibrant Workforce
Tourism HR Canada collaborated with the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) to produce a special set of five webinars: Building a Resilient and Vibrant Workforce.
Part of TIAO’s Forward Motion series, these webinars focus on federal programs designed to support the creation of a resilient and vibrant workforce.
We are pleased to share the recordings below. Watch the full series for the latest on workforce development, immigration, labour market trends, innovation, and more.
A Blended Workforce
With the tourism sector facing a serious staffing shortfall, employers need to get creative – and smarter – in how we build and sustain our workforce. Learning to get by with a smaller and nimbler staff is not just necessary – it’s potentially transformative. We have the opportunity to rethink our recruitment strategies, restructure how our teams work together, and re-imagine the products that we offer.
(This webinar was recorded June 13, 2023.)
Attracting, Building, and Retaining an Indigenous Workforce
Unlock the full potential of Indigenous talent in your workplace through collaboration. Explore the keys to success in Ontario’s Indigenous tourism landscape, focusing on holistic approaches, authenticity, reconciliation, and mentorship.
(This webinar was recorded May 16, 2023.)
How Much Should I Pay?
Figuring out compensation is a balancing act. The question of what to pay always weighs heavily on tourism operators, particularly in today’s tight labour market. Is it all about dollars and cents? Or are there ways that you can re-imagine your total compensation package that will keep you competitive without breaking the bank?
(This webinar was recorded May 2, 2023.)
Building a Team That Stays
Learn the top three HR problems facing our industry, seven practical steps you can take today to create a workplace that attracts and retains talent—and why investing in people is good for business.
(This webinar was recorded April 11, 2023.)
Building a Seasonal Workforce
Across Canada, tourism businesses are facing a competitive labour market. One creative and effective solution is to hire internationally trained workers to fill seasonal roles. Join Tourism HR Canada and the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario to learn why—and how—to hire international talent.
(This webinar was recorded March 21, 2023.)
To stay informed on upcoming webinars, be sure to subscribe to Tourism HR Insider.