Labour Market Information

Travel Agent lady helping a couple at a desk.

Expectations of Tourism Service Quality

Tourism HR Canada periodically gauges traveller sentiment towards Canada as a tourism destination. This survey exercise was last carried out in late 2021, when the investigation focused mainly on perceptions of service delivery in the context of disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, travel restrictions have all but disappeared, and most of us […]

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Restaurant manager discussing with a chef plans from a paper.

Spotlight: Food and Beverage Services Workforce

This past year has been another tricky one for the tourism sector: although demand for tourism products and services has surged, labour issues have continued to pose a problem for the trajectories of recovery and growth that we have all been hoping for. Wider economic pressures have also affected both consumer behaviour and wage expectations,

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2024: Building Insights on the Future Labour Landscape

As we embark on a new year brimming with strategic initiatives to help build a resilient, competitive, inclusive tourism workforce, our research team shares some highlights of the previous year—and a peek at upcoming endeavours. Federal Tourism Growth Strategy The Federal Tourism Growth Strategy, Canada 365: Welcoming the World. Every Day., was released in 2023,

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Canadian Tourism Labour Market Snapshot: December 2023

Winter Stasis Across the Tourism Sector Overall, the tourism sector[1] in December saw little movement from the previous month[2], with aggregate changes across labour force, employment, and unemployment staying under ±0.5%. The sector was in a stronger position than in December 2022, with both employment and labour force up by around 4.5% on the previous

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Female flight attendant putting bags in the overhead.

Canadian Tourism Labour Market Snapshot: November 2023

Seasonal Sector Slowdown Overall, the tourism sector[1] in November saw a contraction over the previous month[2], with drops in both labour force and employment for most industry groups. In the aggregate, unemployment fell slightly, but there was variability across the different industries. The sector was generally in a stronger position than last year, with labour

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Woman with hijab discussing to a table holding papers.

Charting Growth: New Employment Projections for Tourism Industries

Tourism HR Canada and the Conference Board of Canada recently released the latest Projections of Tourism Employment in Canada, which offers a look at labour supply and demand through to 2027. To complement the full report, Tourism HR Canada has published a short factsheet for each of the five tourism industry groups. These factsheets summarize

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Young male reading through a resume with the candidate on screen on the laptop

Canadian Tourism Labour Market Snapshot: October 2023

Sector Stability Masks Industry Variability Overall, the tourism sector[1] in October saw little change over the previous month[2], with slight increases in labour force and unemployment, and a slight fall in employment, although this generalization masks variability at the industry group level. Relative to last year, the sector was in a considerably stronger position across

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Image of two air traffic controllers consulting a computer screen, in the air traffic control tower overlooking the airport.

Canadian Tourism Labour Market Snapshot: September 2023

End-of-Summer Drop in Tourism Employment and Labour Force Overall, the tourism sector[1] in September saw a contraction over the previous month[2], with both labour force and employment falling by over 5%. This is not surprising given the summer peak had ended and much of the seasonal workforce had left the sector, including students returning to

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Female bus driver standing infront of the bus holding a clipboard and smiling

Canadian Tourism Labour Market Snapshot: August 2023

Tourism Sector Stumbles into August Outside of the pandemic-dominated years, the labour force in August has tended to fluctuate between a slight increase or a slight decrease over the previous month, with changes typically within ±3%. This August, the tourism sector[1] saw a slight drop relative to July[2], with a larger fall in employment than

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