Tourism HR Canada is actively recruiting members for our Destination Employment advisory committee. We are seeking individuals from a range of backgrounds and locations who bring real world experience and ideas on how to innovate HR interventions for newcomers to Canada.
This could be your opportunity to help shape program and product development that is integral to an overall strategy to facilitate the growth projected in recent tourism research: provide employment opportunities and support businesses in finding the right individuals.
The Destination Employment pilot program was developed to offer work opportunities to newcomers to Canada while addressing current and projected labour shortages facing the accommodations sector. The project is a key national strategic initiative that will require input and oversight over the next three years.
Now is the best time to get engaged and lend your voice, expertise, and opinions to the activities and resources being leveraged for this initiative. We’re seeking additional input from:
- Hospitality professionals (frontline, supervisory, and management/executive)
- Representatives from immigrant serving agencies and other community groups
- Representatives from associations serving the accommodations sector (industry and professional associations/bodies)
- Training and service providers (educators, trainers, and researchers)
Commitment to the advisory committee can be as little or as much as your schedule and level of interest allow. Members are invited to meet in person in Ottawa in early March (potential travel subsidies are currently being sought), and there will be quarterly conference calls and bi-monthly written updates.
To accommodate members who can only participate short term, we are recruiting a large committee to ensure engagement from all stakeholder groups throughout the pilot.
If you have a voice and perspective that can assist us in making Destination Employment an unmitigated success…let’s hear from you! Please contact