New Employer Agreement Templates for TFW Program

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has launched Employer Agreement sample templates for all streams under the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program. The templates were designed to lessen the administrative burden for employers and support compliance with amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations that came into force on September 26, 2022, and which require employers to:  

  • draft an employment agreement in either English or French as preferred by the foreign worker;
  • include information for employment in the same occupation, with the same wages and working conditions as those set out in the offer of employment; and 
  • sign and secure signature from the foreign worker, and provide a copy to the worker. 

The templates are available for download on ESDC’s website; click on the applicable TFW Program stream below to access the relevant document.

Employers are welcome to use these templates or develop their own.

For any questions on the TFW Program or these templates, please visit or contact the Employer Contact Centre

To learn more about various programs to help employers hire internationally trained workers, see Tourism HR Canada’s Hiring International Talent infographics.

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