Chefs working in a busy kitchen

Need Help Planning Labour Strategies? New Data Added to Rapid reSearch

To provide a full picture of the tourism labour market, Tourism HR Canada regularly acquires customized tabulations for five datasets. We then analyze and share this information with a wide range of stakeholders to help develop plans and policies that support our sector’s labour needs.

Making this information relevant, useful, and easy to understand is key to helping Canada’s tourism sector be globally competitive—a talented, welcoming workforce enhances our destination status. The Rapid reSearch tool does just this, allowing anyone to access customized tourism labour market information through a simple, user-friendly interface.

As of today, you can use Rapid reSearch to search the latest labour market data available: the 2016 census, updated Labour Force Survey data from 2018, and new business counts data from 2017 and 2018.

Compare data on the number of jobs, hours worked, annual salary, and hourly wages for multiple tourism occupations. Focus on a specific province/territory, industry group, or occupation of interest. Select data specific to gender, age, immigrant status, or work status.

Rapid reSearch makes it easy to explore the following:

Provincial-Territorial Human Resource Module (PTHRM): The PTHRM provides the following statistics for the tourism sector and for each industry group, region, and occupation: number of jobs, hours worked, and compensation. These statistics are available by sex, by work status, by age group, and by immigrant status.

Census (2016): The census provides the most detailed information available on the people in Canada’s labour force. Our customized census data shows the profile of tourism employees, including gender, age, work patterns, place of birth, mother tongue, equity groups, school attendance, and education levels.

Labour Force Survey: Customized labour force survey data shows seasonally unadjusted estimates of employment, unemployment, and unionization rates.

Labour Supply and Demand: This data shows the estimated demand for jobs, supply of labour, and any resulting gaps that will leave jobs unfilled for the years 2010 to 2035. Data is available by province, industry group, and occupation.

Tourism Business Counts: These state the number of tourism businesses in existence in Canada by year, province/territory, and industry group.

Access to Rapid reSearch is managed through our online learning portal, Create an account today to download the data most useful to you.

Tourism HR Canada will continue to upload new data to Rapid reSearch as it becomes available, including new projections for tourism labour supply and data from the 2018 Tourism Sector Compensation Study. Subscribe to Tourism HR Insider to be the first to know about these updates and for detailed analysis of the labour market trends impacting Canada’s tourism businesses.

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