Belong Participant Information Form

Belong logo with the tagline Building IDEAL Workplaces powered by Tourism HR Canada

The Belong project is a three-year pan-Canadian initiative funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to provide tourism employers and the wider sector with data, training, resources, and services to:

  • Increase the awareness of disability inclusion
  • Enhance the understanding of the significant benefits of hiring, retaining, and promoting persons with disabilities
  • Strengthen employers’ capacity to build inclusive, diverse, equitable, accessible, and leading workplaces

Belong will support the long-term labour market integration of persons with disabilities in the Canadian tourism sector.

Per the funding agreement, ESDC requires the following information be disclosed by participating employers to:

  1. Measure the results of the project and evaluate the project’s success
  2. Evaluate more generally the success of the program in achieving its objective
  3. Report annually on results and meet ESDC's obligation of accountability to parliament and the Canadian public for the operation of the program by reporting on the results of the program and its success in achieving its objective

Providing the required information is a condition for your participation in the Belong project. The information provided through this form is confidential, and we will take all security measures reasonably necessary for the protection of the same against unauthorized release or disclosure.

Contact Details

Tourism HR Canada (RH Tourisme Canada) logo
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